Employing a candidate with the company is very crucial, and who better than the client himself to tell us their expectations about the candidate. To make sure that client requirement meet the most excellent talent of candidate profile, We work closely with clients to determine the exact qualifications and skills needed in a prospect, and we interview candidates extensively to ensure their experience and needs are appropriate for the job and culture offered by our clients.
Any company that has a vacancy, either immediate or casual, will benefit with our alliance. We put through the companies to right candidates, after checking all the requirements and eligibility criteria. That is supported by a structured pre-interviewing process where candidates are screened on the basis of their qualification, aptitude, experience, job skills, interest areas etc. This ensures eradication of any kind of loopholes in the recruitment process.
We have a personalized approach wherein the Jaguar team meets selected candidates and provides him/her with a broad view of the client’s business and his/her growth opportunities therein. This results in an informed choice and a satisfied employee as well as organization. AIM has expertise in recruiting professional for Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, Administrative, Corporate Finance, Manufacturing, Engineering, Information Technology and Others. In nutshell, we offer our recruitment, HR and manpower services to all types of industries.